
The kunst+care project deals with the compatibility of care work and art production. The aim is to improve funding structures at state and federal level and ensure unrestricted participation in the art world.

Women perform the majority of care work in society (44% more than their male partners). Unpaid and unprotected reproductive work also has an aggravating effect on the careers of female artists.

The aim of the fair share! kunst+care project is the unrestricted, unprejudiced participation of female artists with care responsibilities in the art world and the adaptation of funding structures at state and federal level in accordance with the recommendations of the German Cultural Council (from 2016, 2020 and 2023), among others.

In exchange with representatives of the networks Mehr Mütter für die Kunst, Bündnis Kunst & Kind München, kunst+kind berlin, art + care (Schweiz), intakt (Österreich), Other writers need to concentrate, Caring Culture Lab, Bühnenmütter as well as bbk berlin and BBK demands are being drawn up and solutions proposed.


These were presented to the Bundestag's Culture Committee by fair share! activists Teresa Monfared (March 2023) and Ines Doleschal (March 2024) on the topic of “Reconciling family and career in the cultural and creative sector”.

kunst+care calls for:

  • Re-entry grants for women working in the arts and culture with care responsibilities after the family or care phase
  • Residency grants for parents or carers and adaptation of existing residency grants to the needs of carers
  • Obligation of organizing institutions to offer childcare or financial top-ups and to ensure more flexible scholarship stays in order to enable artists with children to work during their stay
    Comprehensive recognition of childcare costs as project and production costs

As a basis for a dignified work and (survival) life in the cultural sector and as a necessary measure to avoid dependency and (old-age) poverty, kunst+care also calls for:

  • improved maternity protection for solo self-employed workers
  • the reduction of the average income required to receive a basic pension to 10% of the average income
  • the recognition of scholarships as relevant income for the collection of pension points and, if necessary, an increase in this income by a potentially taxable portion
fact sheet kunst+care ENG.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 522.8 KB

Fact sheet graphics: Patricia Lincke, 2024