
We cooperate with artist networks, cultural policy initiatives and interest groups which also have equal rights in the arts and culture sector on their agenda. Here we showcase some of them.

K&K – Bündnis Kunst und Kind is an initiative of visual artists with children, founded in Munich in 2018 by Gabi Blum and Anna Schölß. The alliance sees itself as an activist collective that realizes projects and exhibitions together and bundles information on the topic of art and children. K&K cooperates with alliance partners in nationwide campaigns on the compatibility of care work and art as well as for the visibility of female artists.


The Cologne-based initiative EWVA (Equality for Women in Visual Arts - founded in 2017) invites you to examine the presence of women in the visual arts. A kind of voluntary self-control to observe own actions and thus actively change the situation. By becoming aware of the situation an improvement towards gender equality should be set in motion.

The CARING CULTURE LAB is a nationwide and interdisciplinary competence center for the promotion of gender equality in the arts: through education, visibility, community building, knowledge transfer and certifications around the compatibility of art and care.

art+care is a growing initiative of care-giving artists in Switzerland who are jointly developing strategies for reconciling art work and care work. They publish their experiences, needs and resources and unite in empowering alliances to bring about necessary changes in the cultural sector.

The international group of female visual artists
intakt is a feminist-inspired network. Founded in 1977, it strives to improve the social and artistic situation of female visual artists. The network participates in cultural-political events and demonstrates its commitment to current issues through exhibitions and projects.

The Mehr Mütter für die Kunst initiative is calling for a rethink in the arts so that female artists with children are seen as a valued asset. In order to promote this, they emphasize the need to expand support measures for female artists with children in particular.

The kunst+kind berlin network is committed to the compatibility of family and career for artists and cultural professionals, to greater visibility of care work and the perception of parenthood in exhibitions and museums. kunst+kind berlin is working on a change in awareness for equal opportunities and solidarity in the art world.

Additional networks: Equal Pay Day, Frauenmuseum Berlin e.V., Maternal Fantasies, VdBK 1867 e.V., Pro Quote Bühne, Mutterschutz für alle e.V., Pro Quote Film, Parität Jetzt!, bbk berlin und BBK.


You can find fair share! at the German Cultural Council, in: Frauen in Kultur und Medien.