
The art and culture sector is also being examined in a more transparent and gender-critical way. Read a selection of fair share! contributions and press reports.

fair share! Project kunst+care Ines Doleschal talking to Frank Meyer, Radio3, International Family Day 17.05.2024

Vernetzt, Politik & Kultur Dossier on Women Networks, German Cultural Council, 23.08.2023


Why are artworks by women worth less? STRG_F, Simone Horst and Kira Gantner, 2020

Struktural Differences DLF Corso, Alice Münch talking to Susanne Luerweg, 08.03.2023


Gender Pay Gap in the visual arts rbb Kulturradio, Ines Doleschal talking to Frank Schmidt, 06.03.2023

How the fair share! alliance works for visibility for women artists, Europeana, Rachel Kohn and Annamaria Kardos, 11.04.2023

Men into the depot? Equal rights in the museum  Spiegel, Carola Padtberg, 8.7.2019


Ascent to the box of honour Tagesspiegel, Rolf Brockschmidt, 21.03.2021