
In recent years, an increasing number of studies and press articles have appeared that report on gender-related disparities such as the gender pay gap or the gender show gap. Our publications and films document fair share! campaigns.

fair share! print

We publish documentation of our actions for more visibility for female artists. Read about our events here and in our newsletters.

fair share! films

Our art actions for International Women's Day are documented live every year. Watch our films 2021 to 2024 here and experience our performances.

Info pool

fair share studien gender gap kunst

Studies such as those by the bbk berlin or the German Cultural Council show the gender gap in the cultural sector. We research the visibility of female artists. Here you can find a selection.


fair share presse gender gap kunst

Since the #MeToo movement, the arts and culture sector has also been subject to gender-critical scrutiny. Read a selection of critical reports and fair share! articles and listen to our interviews.